PixelPop is a group of individuals tasked to create a website about simulating soap making, and writing a research study on the similar field
DetailsThis website is a lye-calculator, an essential for creating soaps and for testing chemical values before proceeding to creation of soaps.
Our goal is to create a easy to use and understandable lye-calculator, and display more information regarding about the created soap that other sites commonly don't have, such as longevity and skin recommendations. We also tried creating it interactable as possible.
It's a high chance that this website will not get anymore updates but the plan to add more page for learning about soap creation, and resources for soaps is likely to be added.
There are many lye-calculator with better acccuracy and better user experience and also contains more detailed explanation on soap-creation. We suggest going to SoapMaking Friend for a modern look, and SoapCalc for a classic look.